
One of the many ways we serve our clients is to ensure they are getting a Structural System that is not only safe, but also cost-efficient. We understand that the mark of a good engineer is one who appreciates the client’s needs and works with the client and design team to develop the best system for all parties. To this end, each of our project includes a value-engineering review where our team of engineers and project managers review the proposed work and look for ways to reduce cost and increase efficiency of construction.
By working closely to the Clients, we cultivate long-lasting association based on mutual respect. Each of our clients receives our best attention, from the initial contact till the final reception of completed works.


Proven project analysis and research
Conducting field measurements and reviews
Exterior and interior draft plan preparation
Exterior and interior style solution
Exterior and interior planning solution
3 D model (computer model, a three-dimensional image) of facility and surrounding area which allows looking from different points


1. Search for new firms in the domestic and foreign markets, long-term cooperation with the developed firms
2. Giving priority to better quality products
3. Operative delivery of the purchased materials to the service area
4. Professional staff


1. Production facility of “Bakelektro” OJSC company is located in Dubandy, Zira settlement located 35 km away from our beautiful city of Baku.
2. Taking  into account the need  for  high quality electric equipment in modern time,  “Bakelektro” OJSC posesses great production capacity in accordance with the  development  laws of power engineering in the Azerbaijan Republic.
3. To this end, production and testing areas have been created according to BEK and DÜİST standards as well as software secured high-tech equipments have been purchased.  Construction and technical specifications of high voltage distribution devices of 6/36 Kw and various power distribution boards have been developed based on the DÜİST, International standards and accepted norms. Pre-fabricated cameras, elements and items installed within it are  compatible with  DÜİST 9920-96, 1516-1,2 insulation standards, DÜİST 14254-96 –climate standards, İEC 60255-3, DÜİST 687, 7,5-36 kw  key vacuum standards, (Tavrida BB/TEL, Samara SEŞ and 3AH keys), BEK 60-056 və 60-694 international standards- VDE 0670 German and BS 5311English standards.

6-35 KV-luq yüksək gərginlikli paylayıcı qurğular və 0,4 KV-luq müxtəlif paylayıcı elektrik lövhələrinin konstruksiya və texniki xarakteristikaları DÜİST, Beynəlxalq standartlar və qəbul edilmiş normalar əsasında işlənib hazırlanmışdır. Yığma kameralar, onların daxilinə quraşdırılmış elementlər və məmulatlar DÜİST 9920-96, 1516-1,2 izolyasiya standartları, DÜİST 14254-96 – iqlim standartları, İEC 60255-3, DÜİST 687, 7,5-36 KV-luq vakuum açar standartları (Tavrida BB/TEL, Samara SEŞ və 3AH açarlarının), BEK 60-056 və 60-694 Beynəlxalq standartları – VDE 0670 Alman və BS 5311 İngilis standartlarına uyğundur.

4. Switches, separators  and prop insulators  with  capacity indicator  are tested  in  test  equipment  of  150 kV in accordance with the  DÜİST 1516-1,2 standard. Along with the electrical  power  of  the insulation elements, total of leakage currents passing through their  internal and external surface  are also measured. The products manufactured are approved by the clients  and applied successfully.

Construction and installation works of high and low voltage overhead cables and PTL (power transmission lines) cables and substations for the power supply of city,enterprises of different types in the Republic of Azerbaijan.


You can solve all problems related with lighting, high and low-voltage, mechanical works, etc. that may arise in all seasons of a year by applying to us. As “Bakelektro” OJSC we serve you within 7/24. With our friendly, kind, honest engineers and working team, we are a step closer to you.

Having high experience in the field of electricity, “Bakelektro” OJSC also offers following services:
Recommendations related to energy saving
Insallation of electrical cables
Installation of gas detector
Fire systems
Ventilation systems, etc.